List of Scenario Results included in ASL Player Ratings

Scenario: BoF21 Dying for Danzig See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Date Tourney
Maurizio Grassi attacker allies beats Florian Mentl defender axis 2023-06-10 ASL-EU_23
Giasone De Boni attacker allies loses to Sergio Puzziello defender axis 2023-06-10 ASL-EU_23
Xavier Vitry attacker allies beats Ruben Rigillo defender axis 2023-06-10 ASL-EU_23
Alex Koestler defender axis loses to Federico Mazzucchelli attacker allies 2023-06-10 ASL-EU_23
Fabio Caramelli defender axis draws Daniele Pagliuca attacker allies 2023-06-10 ASL-EU_23
Tracey Love allies beats David Stanaway axis 2021-06-20 TEXAS_21